Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pumps and Pushups with Brooke Anderson l Fit Fearless and Fabulous

Most folks start the new year out with a new years resolution to lose weight, fit into those skinny jeans, loose the 'holiday weight', etc. I must say I am guilty of wanting all of those things too. But with wanting all of that I want to live a healthy lifestyle in general. Brooke helped me make a lot of changes last year, and although I fell off that wagon slightly during my Fall/winter busy season, I am fully back on that and already seeing amazing results.

Brooke is not only a personal trainer, she is a motivator, a fit MOM, and all around amazing person inside and out. If you are looking on how to start changing your life to be better for you she is the person to contact. She teaches and helps women of all ages and exercise levels.

Please hop on over to her website and check it out:

Where she shares recipes, different workouts for different fitness levels, and super cute outfit ideas.

 Meet super cutie Maddox, Brooke's son :)

 FIT, FEARLESS, and FABULOUS for women of all ages and fitness levels.

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