Friday, September 6, 2013

Imperfectly perfect moments

In life we remember vague moments from our childhood, but mother's remember how you held her hand, how you held your bottle for the first time, how you crawled, your favorite blankie, the face you made when you went doo-dee, etc. So for my first in home lifestyle session I would have to call this capturing the imperfectly perfect moments in life.

Many of you have possibly been following Brycen's watch me grow sessions, and some of you may not, so I will catch some up to speed. Brycen is a part of my watch me grow program, I am honored to get to see him and capture his growth every month. As this is a first for me, I must say I am so utterly surprised at how much he has changed and grown since birth, as well as Stacy, his mom. I have seen Brycen roll over for the first time, sit up, and now crawling, this journey is AMAZING to capture in images. And in watching Brycen grow, I have seen how Stacy has adjusted to not only being a new mommy, but in how she has adjusted to how he prefers to be held, how they interact, and how much happiness he brings her.

Brycen is the best gift her mom could have ever sent her from heaven. In a moment of feeling lost, sad, and without hope. Brycen has given her all that back plus showing her what love is again, her smile, and truly learning what a mothers love is from a different perspective from the mother's love she got from her mom. I have become rather close friends with Stacy, which is a huge honor as well. Stacy shares with me that she see her mom in her dreams quite often, I feel its because she wants her to know she is still with her, and she watches over her and Brycen all the time, just like the picture above. :)

" Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things"


  1. great blog crys!! love this! <3 and you are right the little things are the most important! <3

  2. You are amazing and they are so lucky to have you capturing these moments, love the idea of your "watch me grow" program.
