Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Working on me for me.2 l Personal

Happy Hump Day!! Wanted to give a little shout to all the folks working on their summer bodies, and getting fit for them. Keep up the great work, I know it's hard and sometimes sucks at life. I am still rocking T25 and loving the results, I did miss a few days, but I'm human and I live a busy life so that is A OKAY. I just started jogging again this week, slowly but surely I will be back up to 4 miles, but I have to baby my right foot so it's not injured again.

I have had quite a few folks interested in my green smoothies, as some give me the gag sound when they see it or hear me say whats in it. IT IS NOT THAT BAD! Trust me I had the same reaction and even held my nose the first time I made one. But fact be known, I LOVE my green smoothies as gross as they look. I feel more energized during the day, I stay full, and I get my greens for the day. So for today I wanted to share my new favorite recipe for my morning green smoothie:

10-15 ice cubes
1 large handful of fresh spinach leaves
1/4- 1/3 cup of Good Belly probiotics (found at Kroger)
1/2 cup of coconut water, I love the peach and mango one
1/4 cup of unsweeted almond milk (optional)
small handful of fresh blueberries
1/2 an apple or 1/2 cup of unsweetened applesauce (I use the organic)
1 scoop of vanilla protein power ( I use the muscle milk protein power)

Blend and enjoy :)

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